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Report On Education Budget Analysis in Tanzania1684
Curriculum Reform and Innovation: Experiences from Kenya’s Competence-Based-Curriculum.1427
Quality of National Curriculum and Student Learning: The case of thematic curriculum in Uganda.1397
Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of caregivers about Early Childhood Development in Mohale’s Hoek and Quthing Districts: A base line survey.1180
Measure the progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)1084
Report On Mid-Term Evaluation Of The National Strategy On Inclusive Education 2017-2021.1082
Comparative Study(Lesotho and SADC) On Inclusive and Non-Formal Education.1067
Lesotho's Inclusive Education Policy and the continued exclusion of children with disabilities1066
Financing Higher and Tertiary Education in Zimbabwe:Trends and Prospects for the Future.953